Santa Clara Men's Basketball vs Oregon State
Thu 7:00 PM
Leavey Event Center
500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara
The sale has ended
Gates open one hour before the start of the game.
Groups of 10(opens in a new tab) or more receive a discount on ticket prices, for more information please contact the Bronco Ticket Office at 408-554-4660 or by email at [email protected]
Once you complete your purchase, you will see a link to download mobile tickets or transfer tickets on the order confirmation page. You will receive two emails:
An order confirmation email with a link to your order confirmation page where you can download all of your tickets at once.
A ticket delivery email with links to download individual tickets.
Ages 2+ and older need a ticket for entry.
All sales are final and tickets are non-refundable.
Santa Clara Men's Basketball vs Oregon State
Leavey Event Center
The sale has ended
Thu 7:00 PM
Leavey Event Center
500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara